Sedgewick Garden Landscape Lawn


Brian Rojo

Sedgewick Garden Landscape Lawn
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Sedgewick Garden Landscape Lawn
This is the lawn terrace of Sedgewick Garden in MA. A mansion, dating to the 19th century, sits in the center of this large garden which encompasses many acres of the property. The garden represents the traditional design of period, with a focus on defining garden rooms that often reveal a long vista to the surrounding rural landscape or a path to an adjoining room. These rooms are distinct spaces shaped by plantings, walls and fences. There is a certain geometric quality of the garden that interplays with varied and informal plant massing.
AnimalsbyDiDi ::
August 11, 2011
Exquisite image!

CuriousEye ::
August 15, 2011
Thank you very much. I love gardens of all types.